Should I pay for the procedure immediately after the recording?
Immediately I would like to note that the procedure for relaxing the muscles that cause the appearance of facial wrinkles is called botulinum therapy, and Botox (Botox) is the registered name of one of the first botulinum toxins produced by the American company Allergan.
What if the result of the procedure does not like, and I paid?
Immediately I would like to note that the procedure for relaxing the muscles that cause the appearance of facial wrinkles is called botulinum therapy, and Botox (Botox) is the registered name of one of the first botulinum toxins produced by the American company Allergan.
What cards do you accept payment?
Immediately I would like to note that the procedure for relaxing the muscles that cause the appearance of facial wrinkles is called botulinum therapy, and Botox (Botox) is the registered name of one of the first botulinum toxins produced by the American company Allergan.
How best to pay in cash or card?
Immediately I would like to note that the procedure for relaxing the muscles that cause the appearance of facial wrinkles is called botulinum therapy, and Botox (Botox) is the registered name of one of the first botulinum toxins produced by the American company Allergan.
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