Steven R Cohen, MD, FACS Sierra Hewett Lauren Ross Flore Delaunay, MD Ashley Goodacre, PA Char Ramos, ORT Tracy Leong, MD Ahmad Saad, MD
Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Volume 37, Issue suppl_3, 1 July 2017, Pages S16–S32
Published: 14 June 2017
Zuk et al in 2001 identified stem and regenerative cells within the stromal vascular fraction of fat. In preclinical studies, these cells appeared to stimulate angiogenesis and reduce inflammation, and soon thereafter, clinical use of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) evolved as researchers such as Rigotti, Coleman, Mojallal, our group, and others demonstrated that fat can be used for both therapeutic and aesthetic indications. The regenerative effects of fat and its contents on facial aesthetics have been shown at the histologic and cellular Level. Regeneration of elastin and collagen fibers as well as improvement in capillary density and reduction of inflammation have been reported. We review our current approach to the use of regenerative cells and different types of fat grafts in facial surgery. The fat graft is classified, both from a regenerative point of view as well as a tissue product that can be modified into different tissue characteristics, depending on the area and condition treated. Clinical use of SVF enriched fat, millifat, microfat, and nanofat grafts as well as composite fat grafts are reviewed. Based on clinical experience and evidence to date, it appears that the regenerative effects seen with the use of SVF in aesthetic surgery are modest, but there appear to be definite histologic findings of regeneration. These improvements may not be clinically apparent to a patient when cell enriched fat grafts are compared to fat grafts alone. However, the subtle changes seen in histology may be cumulative over time. Three types of fat grafts are defined: millifat (parcel size 2.4